Make an
impact that keeps giving.
Please support my work by contributing a donation,
& read more info down below.

Why Donate?
By donating, you are directly contributing to my growth and the expansion of the services I can offer.
Continuing Education empowers me to create more impactful offers, content, and resources for our community.
Every contribution, no matter the size, will make a difference. With your help, I can heighten my skillset, unlock new opportunities, enhance our community, and continue to tap into what is numinous for us all.
Your support is HUGE in helping me pursue my ongoing education. By donating, you are directly contributing to my growth and the expansion of the services I can offer.
Invest in the future of Numinous Now. Your donation is not just a transaction; it’s a partnership in growth. Everything I learn will not only grow my business, but be shared with you!
Thank you for considering supporting my educational journey. Continuing Education empowers me to deepen and continue to learn and expand my skills. I will be able to introduce innovative offerings that resonate with your journey.
Where is your money going?
Believe me, I am working hard on my end to save for all of my goals. Here is what I am desiring to learn and share with you all:
Yoga Teacher Trainings (500 - 1,000) hours // This includes Yoga Therapy trainings, Yoga for Cancer, Kundalini Yoga, and more..
Breath work Facilitator
Somatic Therapy