This is where I share my heart.
I allow myself to be vulnerable here. Even more so than on any other social media platforms.
This is where I share the long form version of my stories, insights, and all things life.
I hope this creates space for you to open up and share authentically as well.
I love hearing from you all.
I’ve moved my blog over to Substack.

Intimacy. Into - me - I - see.
I dig within and find what needs to be re-patterned & alchemized.
Over. and. Over. Again.
Guilt to love.
Victim to power.
Fear to curiosity.
Understanding to inner standing.

Eclipse Season Alchemy
This past week has rattled and shaken some insights forward. It felt as if an inner earthquake needed to happen. Dam walls with old residual water needed to be unleashed. Oh, Eclipse season…you are definitely doin your thing. There is an energy in the air of balancing me with we. It is the blending of independence and individuality with coexisting and conscious connections.

Rebel With a Cause
I’m here to march to the beat of my own drum, live life by my rhythm, figure out what the rhythm is along the way, and leave room for the beat to evolve and develop.

Wading in a sea of Transition.
I’ve been swimming in the abyss of my own waters. Wading in a sea of transition.
I’ve been re-discovering and remembering what exactly it looks and feels like to be me.
I desire to dedicate to myself so fully, so wholly, that anything I set as a boundary feels like the purest form of love.

Expansion Ideas for 2024
Hey friends :)
I’m looking to expand my business in a way that also adds value to your life. It’s a win win! Reach out with any feedback!

Heart-Opening Yoga Class // 45 minute flow
I’ve created a 45 minute heart opening flow for you all to carry you through the energies of the week. Align within to align without. It all starts with you, and then we use the planets to assist us in our growth. Let’s work with this ish.
I hope you enjoy this lovely little heart-centered flow.

Our human mind complicates. Our souls knows.
It’s pretty amazing when I look back through pictures of myself over the past year.
I bought a one-way to Maui. I lived in a spider-filled storage unit in the jungle of the North Shore.
I taught yoga to locals, nomads, and tourists. I work-traded and did various random work on the island.
I sprouted, bloomed, and blossomed into my next evolution.
The irony is the seed has to be planted in the dark.

Light after Shadow
I feel as though I’m just now dropping in. Getting settled. I’m allowing a new path to be carved out for me, as it shows me new facets of myself. I’m having fun with this whole blogging thing as well. I’ve already got three posts out there, making this the fourth, and that alone is huge for me. It doesn’t even matter if it is read or not. It feels really damn good to be putting all of this out there without having a clue what I’m doing.

Unexpected Miracles
A while back, I was hangin’ with my crew of friends/family, scarfing out at the food trucks when an eccentric, skin tight short-shorts wearing man decked out in glitter and a pearly white smile came over to our table. I could immediately feel his content vibe with life, as well as the fact that he didn’t give two shits about what others thought of him.

Fresh Paint & A New Canvas
Moving to the heart chakra center of the world, and living on the path of uncertainty has already been one hell of a ride. It’s a good thing that I love roller coasters. So let’s just jump right in, shall we?
My heart? She’s been broken for years.
I’m the one who broke it.
I broke my own heart.
Expectations are a kill-joy.
A bee sting on the bottom of my left foot, a room full of mosquitos, a few big ass spiders hanging around in here somewhere, confused roosters going off in the middle of the night, and a screen door that keeps breaking; which lets more critters in. The sun hasn’t risen yet. This all leaves me typing in my bed with a smirk on my face. What can I say, sometimes I have a darker sense of humor.