Expansion Ideas for 2024

Hi there friends!

Happy 2024! Cheers to an 8 year in numerology.


An 8 year is a time frame to implement all of the wisdom that we have gained from the previous year. This is a year of abundance, material manifestation, success, and achievement. The more intention you put in, the more you receive, and the more that comes back to you this year. The number 8 is the infinity sign. Think continuous movement, and it all comes back to you. This is always true. We don’t say “what goes around comes around” for no reason. It’s just that the energy of receiving is heightened this year. This is a karmic year, so clean your slate and know that you are supported. Put good out into the world, and put love into your journey towards your goals.

Soo obviously, I’ve been MIA recently with my whole Moon-day Mingle Project. To be honest, I don’t think that I’m going to continue those. I’ve been feeling called to a bit of a rebrand, so I’ve been over here plotting behind the scenes. Some fresh energy, you know?

I’d love to pick your noggin’ and get your input!!
I’ve got a few ideas that I’m going to share with you, and I’d love for you to respond, and let me know if these are things you’d be interested in. This is after all, for you. I want you to find value in what I offer :)

  • I’d like to start a subscription-based online yoga platform. This will include a weekly class as well as a class for the new & full moons each month. Those will include a workshop style video & meditation to further work with the moon & use it to enhance your life in the way you desire. There will also be various meditations infused with Reiki healing. This will all start out free for the first few months so that you can see if you’d like to invest monthly later on down the line. I’d keep the monthly rate low, & you’d also receive exclusive discounts to all of my offerings, which I’ll be adding onto! For those of you who would prefer not to pay for a monthly membership, you will have the option to buy each class/workshop a la cart.

  • I’d also like to offer a pre-recorded distance Reiki healing add-on. Reiki can be used as a means to break karmic contracts, heal ancestral wounds, create new habits, soothe, and so much more. Reiki is a beautiful energy that helps to recalibrate your system physically, mentally, and emotionally. You can purchase this as an individual service, or you can add it on to a reading. I will send reiki to any challenges and lessons brought to light through your chart. You can also just use this service a la carte as a way to receive reiki healing in any area you need. Annnd it’s pre-recorded, so you can use it as often as you’d like. This way you continuously elevate whatever you’re asking the healing be sent to. Pretty sweet, right?

    Whatcha think? Is this something that would peak your interest?

    More importantly, is this something that you think would add value to your life?

    I’d superrr appreciate it if you took a little time to respond to this, or reach out to me with any thoughts and ideas.

    Yes, I am trying to further my business, but ultimately I want the content that I put out to be of service for you. Otherwise, what’s the point?!

    As always, thanks for being here & take care of yourselves, friends.

    Love, Light, & Darkness,

Nadia 🦋🌝🧿❣️

Oh, and I’ve also got a new donation-based reading available. You have the option to name your price in $5 increments! :) Check it out!


Wading in a sea of Transition.


Heart-Opening Yoga Class // 45 minute flow