Wading in a sea of Transition.

I’ve been swimming in the abyss of my own waters. Wading in a sea of transition.

I’ve been re-discovering and remembering what exactly it looks and feels like to be me.

I desire to dedicate to myself so fully, so wholly, that anything I set as a boundary feels like the purest form of love.

In my last IG post, I mentioned winds of change breezily flowing within me. The wheel is constantly turning. We just have to remember to turn with it. I’ve learned to release my need to steer as I’ve gotten older. I do not know exactly what I believe in, but I have experienced the magic of a higher power that I can’t exactly explain. I believe there are higher forces available to us if we open ourselves up to them. I’ve learned to surrender my life journey over to this power. If all of the decision making was left to my human self…I don’t freaking know, man.

I could be a mess.

I have been a major mess before.

I am still a mess at times. I’m human. It’s part of the process. All I know is when I tap in and ask for help or throw my hands up, something shifts. I may only be able to see the next step, but it’s a step. It’s leading me somewhere.

I’ve gotten really comfortable living in the unknown. That, understandably, can be super duper unnerving for most people.

I happen to thrive in it. That’s when I feel the most alive. That’s when I feel the most connected to spirit.

When I operate from this place, it feels like a cohesive dance with the divine. We’re flowing and creating together instead of me operating within the lines that society throws out for us.

I’ve always liked to color outside the lines anyways.

I’m excited for this next stage of the growth cycle. I’m open to receive all of the blessings and lessons that are headed my way.

I’m also grateful that I have a partner that understands my need to consistently evolve. He can sense when to give me space, when to encourage me, and when to just be with me. I’m able to continuously change in the way that I need to within our relationship.

The planet Pluto has made his entrance into the innovative, rebellious, individualistic, and revolutionary sign of Aquarius. This generational planet only changes signs every 20 years or so. If you feel your wheel starting to turn, turn with it.

If things feel like they’re falling apart, know that something else is coming together. It’s all happening for you.

It’s falling into place. Trust.

If you’re feeling this and it resonates with you, talk to the Universe the same way that you would talk to a friend when you need advice. Spill out all of the contents of your heart. Get it off your chest and again, trust. It also helps to remember that none of us know what the heck we’re doing. Being a human is weird. Life is what you make it. So let’s make it as magical in the messiness as we can.

Also know that you have a friend here who is always down to listen and chat. :)

As always, thanks for being here. Take care of yourselves, friends. Tap into what is numinous for you and watch your now unfold.

Love, Light, & Darkness,

Nadia <3




Expansion Ideas for 2024