Unexpected Miracles

A while back, I was hangin’ with my crew of friends/family, scarfing out at the food trucks when an eccentric, skin tight short-shorts wearing man decked out in glitter and a pearly white smile came over to our table. I could immediately feel his content vibe with life, as well as the fact that he didn’t give two shits about what others thought of him. 

He liked our vibe, chatted us up, and started telling us about his life-how he left everything behind and came to Maui to pursue happiness. He lived out of his car and gave massages at the beach. He made enough money to eat and cruise. It was the happiest he had ever been. 

He thought to himself, “I’m 45 years old, and I’ve finally made it.” He laughed and said, “I made it to homelessness and doing what I love.” (I am not speaking to people who have been forced into homelessness. That is an entirely different topic.) In this scenario, he found happiness. HIS happiness. His version of fulfillment may be a nightmare to someone else. 

At the time, I was still in the state of, where am I going from here? What am I doing next? What will people think of me? I hadn’t dropped in yet. I’m still learning how to, but these voices were particularly loud in my head that day. 

So I knew, when he came up to the table and “randomly” started telling us his story, his message was meant for me to hear. He said something very significant, which has turned into a mantra of mine. “I’ve learned to to be open, and to allow unexpected miracles from unexpected people and places.”

He now has a home overlooking the ocean, and a renewed sense of being. He said that he wouldn’t be where he was at if it weren’t for divinely placed connections found by him following his gut and his bliss. He flashed his warm, pearly white smile, and glided away. 

Mic drop. 

Thanks for placing that human with that message in my spectrum, Universe. 

I see you. 

I’m pickin’ up what you’re puttin’ down. 

I am literally living out a dream of mine, and I still find myself wanting to indulge in thoughts such as: “I don’t know enough. Who the heck am I to do that? Can I make XYZ happen?”

There is a part of me that is still so plugged in to a linear way of thinking. 

Damn, society has really drilled its way into my mind. 

My brain loves to cram as many thoughts as possible at once. All circuits on and open. 

So many of those thoughts (ego) hold me back. I’ve had a meditation practice for around 8 years now, but choosing to live life my way has really allowed me to take my meditation off the mat. 

I’m following what feels aligned with me, and letting go of what is isn’t. My old story feels less and less aligned. I am continuously unraveling and learning what works for me, and what happiness is for me. I also allow space for these things to change. To ebb and flow. 

That’s just my style. 

This recent eclipse portal helped me make significant shifts in the way that I approach all of these stories. I released an abundance of energy that no longer serves me, so that I may continue to rise into the new. 

I am actively making decisions that allow me to re-write my story, as well as leave future chapters open, because I choose to seek the unknown. 

I guess you could say that my current character is choosing a nomadic, explorative, cosmic, yogi, writer lifestyle that has chosen Maui as home…for now. Who knows what it will be in 6 months to year. The ebb and flow. 

That’s another thing. I find myself not only wanting to hone in on my current gifts, but evolve into some new hobbies as well. New interests are brewing within me. New skills I want to learn and new places I want to live.

These new curiosities excite the shit outta me. I feel happy and empowered when I think about them.

I am removing myself from boxes and labels. As I continue to un-learn everything, expansiveness swooshes in and takes my journey to exciting places. I’m riding this wave, baby. I’ve got some ideas, and I’ve got some “plans,” but more importantly, I’m letting my curiosity and highest excitement lead the way. 

I am so in love with spirituality and the healing arts, and there will definitely be more certifications obtained in that field. However, I find myself being drawn to new interests. Subjects and hobbies I’ve never given myself the space to explore, for whatever reason. I’ve placed so much focus and attention on one area, and trying to make things happen, that I didn’t leave any wiggle room for expansion.

So now I’m prying this side of myself open. I love this shit, man. 

Now if you don’t mind, do me a teensy favor, and take a look at the timeline of your life. It’s wild to see how many different lives take place within this one lifetime. Play with the idea of allowing yourself to live out many different chapters with all sorts of plot twists. Have a goal or creation in mind, but leave some little wiggle room for the muse to work its magic with you. Try it and just see what happens. No expectations.

Unexpected miracles from unexpected people and places. 

Tap into what is numinous for you and watch your now unfold. 


Light after Shadow


Fresh Paint & A New Canvas