Numinous Now

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Light after Shadow

I feel as though I’m just now dropping in. Getting settled. I’m allowing a new path to be carved out for me, as it shows me new facets of myself. I’m having fun with this whole blogging thing as well. I’ve already got three posts out there, making this the fourth, and that alone is huge for me. It doesn’t even matter if it is read or not. It feels really damn good to be putting all of this out there without having a clue what I’m doing. 

I know that I’m supposed to have a niche, and I’m supposed to target a certain audience, but I’m still tuning into what exactly my niche is. It’s changing and evolving with me. It feels impossible to stick to a certain area. Writing, astrology, yoga, breath-work, meditation, and all things metaphysical have been my go to’s. 

I am now stacking more interests on top of those. I’m realizing that I’m too multi-faceted as a person to stick to a certain outline. I’m doing things my way. I want to dive into all of the many things that interest me, and see where they lead. 

Perhaps they’ll combine somehow. No expectations, I’m just letting myself evolve.

I’m changing right before my eyes, and it’s a trip to watch. I am unearthing buried, vibrant aspects of my personality. I’m getting to know me again, as well as simultaneously birthing into someone new. Same girl, just a little more elevated, and open to new experiences. Call me a late bloomer. 

I’ve been meeting and hanging out with new people. It feels so damn good to be doing what I want to do. I’m pushing past comfort zones in smaller ways after getting myself out of the biggest comfort zone yet. It’s as if I’ve just now allowed myself to fully face forwards on this new path. There was a part of me that was still teetering with so many what ifs. I don’t know what the heck happened, but after sifting through some major shadow work here in Maui, something clicked. It’s as if so much changed for me overnight, in the best way possible. 

I better understand myself, and my needs. I’m removing myself from boxes and labels that I have subconsciously been living in. There are things in life and in my business that I felt the need to do. I didn’t realize that I was forcing myself to do things in a way that didn’t feel fulfilling. I am continuously learning how to take the topics that interest me, take what it is that I have to offer, and to release it into the world my way. 

I am learning what authenticity is to me. 

I am allowing myself to continuously change. I’ve been shifting, learning, and growing, but the more that I discover, the more that I discover. I see the unraveling as a timeless journey. There is no end point to my inner insight. 

I am living outside of the box that I created for my life. 

I’ve really started to question my own patterns and labels. Why do I do the things that I do? Why do I want the things that I want? Do these things still feel good to me, or is it time to evolve them?

I ate meat for the first time in over a year. 

The loosening of rigidity. 

This may ruffle feathers with vegans, but if I’m being completely honest, my body has been craving meat for over a month. I’ve always said the moment that I crave an animal product, I won’t deny my body of its needs. 

It felt strange and I was apprehensive, so I gave extra thanks for the animal’s life before taking a bite. I asked my body to pull the nutrients that it needed from my meal, and I took the time to really honor the life of the animal. 

Animals are highly sentient beings, and I don’t take the eating of them lightly. Until my body craves meat again, I won’t touch it. That could be a week, a month, or 6 months from now. I don’t know. The point is, everything that I’m simultaneously doing and unraveling comes back to intention. 

It’s less about what I’m doing, and more about why I’m doing it. I question and observe all of my patterns to refrain from an auto-pilot, automated way of living. 

Self-study and self-awareness isn’t always the easiest, but it has led to some of my best experiences.

Taking the time to understand myself has led me to loving myself. 

I love me. I’ve never said that before with such conviction. 

With the closing out and wrapping up of the holidays and 2021, I’m excited to see where this self-love journey will lead me. 

I am my own best friend, and my most important relationship. Being able to share more of my best self is a beautiful switch up. 

2022 has already been off to one hell of a start. I’ll hit ya with the details on that in the next post!

Start to pay attention to every little thing you do-from the way you wake up and brush your teeth, to the way you talk to yourself and interact with others. 

No judgement, just observation.

Then ask all the why’s, and see if you want to keep operating in that manner or not. Make it playful. Have fun creating the new if that’s what you want. 

Embrace your multi-faceted self. Think about it, there are so many factors that make you, you. How special is that?!

Tap into what is numinous for you, and watch your now unfold.